Here is some useful information about our trips.

Hunting Blinds and Stands
Our bow hunters hunt from the best tree stands money can buy. We place these stands in pre-scouted positions on trails, agriculture fields, food plots, and favorite browse areas. When the timing is right, we hunt scrapes, rub lines, and natural funnels.
Our rifle season begins November 15th. This is the U. P. of Michigan, so any kind of weather is possible; it is usually cold and snow is often present. During this time, we typically hunt from permanent enclosed blinds. They may be elevated or on ground level–whatever will work best for the area. We can provide you with close in action in our cedar swamps, we can give you a little more area to cover on our hardwood ridges, or let you take advantage of optics and flat shooting rifles on some of our fields. These fields are often over ½ mile long and again we try to leave the decisions up to you, and your skill level. During rifle season, if we only see 10 deer in a day, we consider it slow.