Whitetail Deer, Black Bear, & Turkey Hunting in Michigan

Phone: (906) 863-5033 | Cell phone: (906) 792-4882 | Email: [email protected]

1041 1st Street, Menominee, MI 49858

Greenwoods Outfitting

  1. Always remember, we are hunting the elusive good time. That being said here are the other rules.
  2. Alcohol – your first drink ends your hunting for that day. Party after the day’s hunt is complete.
  3. If you wound an animal, that is your animal. Quality deer management makes this rule necessary.
  4. We can only address problems we are aware of. This is your hunt let us know how we can make it better.
  5. We abide by the rules of fair chase.
  6. Everyone must follow all the game laws of the state of Michigan.
  7. We do not litter; we all live down stream.
  8. If we harvest it, we use it, or find someone who will. Nothing is left in the woods.
  9. We follow our rules of recovery. We will go over this in camp. We simply do what works and makes sense.
  10. If we all try to have a good time we will!
  11. Enjoy the success of the other hunters. The buck pole belongs to everyone in camp, so enjoy it!