Whitetail Deer, Black Bear, & Turkey Hunting in Michigan

Phone: (906) 863-5033 | Cell phone: (906) 792-4882 | Email: [email protected]

1041 1st Street, Menominee, MI 49858

Greenwoods Outfitting

Deer hunting is the foundation for Greenwoods Outfitting. We have high numbers of deer and high success rates. Add this to our accommodations, friendly atmosphere, and beautiful surroundings and you have the makings for a exciting adventure!

One thing is certain. You will see a lot of deer here. Our deer concentration runs from 50 to 100 deer per square mile–that is a lot. Regardless of whether you book an archery or rifle hunt, nearly everyone has opportunities. Almost everyone gets at a shot opportunity with at least one antlered buck, usually many. A hunter could set a standard of an 8 pointer with a 14 to 16 inch spread, and have at least a 75% opportunity at a deer like that. Our bow hunters have taken quite a few Pope and Young bucks (125”) over the years. Although it would be a high standard to set here, we do see and occasionally take bucks up to the 140’s. Remember, these are free ranging whitetails. You will be proud of the deer you take here.

* You will need to purchase a Michigan deer hunting license. For more information on licensing go to Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Website: https://www.michigan.gov/dnr

*All prices listed below are per hunter. Rifle and archery hunt includes meals.

Michigan Whitetail Deer Archery & Rifle Hunting Packages

HUNT TYPE Hunt Days Dates Rates Bag
Archery 6 Oct 1 – Oct 7
$2500 1 buck & 1 doe (meals included)
Rifle 6 Nov 15th – 21st $2500 1 buck & 1 doe (meals included)

Contact us today and let us customize a hunting trip to meet your needs and your budget!